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The School of Life - Gratitude Cards



A set of 60 cards to remind us of the many reasons we have to be thankful.

We are experts at focusing on what is missing from our lives. Our dissatisfaction often serves us well; it keeps us from complacency and boredom. But we are also dragged down by a pernicious inability to stop, take stock and recognise what isn't imperfect and appalling.

In our haste to secure the future, we omit to notice what is already very good. This pack of cards is designed to help us pause in our striving and, for a few moments, take on board some of what we have to be grateful for - a consoling, inspiring corrective to the lessons in cynicism and sourness that the world teaches every day.

Example Cards:

  • There were no outright catastrophes today.
  • Others forget the stupid things we’ve done faster than we do.
  • We can reinvent ourselves – a bit.
  • Other people are usually shyer, sweeter and kinder than we’d anticipated
  • We have managed to learn a few things down the years
  • We don’t have to take ourselves seriously 
  • Many of the people we love are still alive.
  • We could disappear for a bit.
  • Many of the world’s most interesting people have written down their thoughts 

114g | 60 cards in box | 100mm x 80mm x 22mm